APIDays/APIStrat: Birds Of A Feather
13 Apr 2015Birds of a Feather (BoF) according to wikipedia was first coined at an IETF computing conference in the 60s. It is basically an informal forming of groups with similar interests to discuss particular topics in a casual environment.
That is exactly what we will do the night before we actually start the APIDays/APIStrat event in a very typical Berlin pub. Please find more details below. It would be great to welcome you there as a warm-up for the main conference and please register your interest to that we can provide enough drinks.
- Date: April 23, 2015
- Time: 17:00 -- 19:30 (Doors open at 16:30. Feel free to stay also longer.)
- Location: Edelweiss (Görlitzerstraße 1-3, Haus 2, 10997 Berlin, Phone: +49 30 695 084 43)
- Drinks: Beer, wine, soft drinks and water will be provided for free.
- Format: Very informal. We will have a short welcome and intro, define some topics, provide some pens, paper, flipcharts and then it's just all about healthy debate.
Register your interest for the Birds of a Feather event.
More background on "Birds of a Feather"
Birds of a Feather originally stems from the proverb "birds of a feather flock together." In other words, that simply means birds like to mingle with other birds of the same type (which have the same feathers). APIs are our feathers.
Birds of a Feather is sponsored by 3scale & Runscope.