Andrew Nacin Of WordPress @APIStrat Chicago
25 Aug 2014I am super stoked to announce that we have Andrew Nacin (@nacin), the lead developer from WordPress keynoting API Strategy & Practice in Chicago next month. We are looking to continue the conversation around an official WordPress API, scheduled for inclusion in the WordPress 4.1 release.
While an API for WordPress may not seem like anything that big, when you think about it being baked into WordPress by default, it means that over 60 million websites will potentially get an API, and 22% of the top 10 million websites run WordPressa pretty significant shift.
WordPress is still taking feedback on their upcoming API release, and you can visit their website and participate there, and now you can also come to Chicago the end of September, and hear Andrew talk about his work at WordPress, and participate in the convversation around the WordPress API afterwards in the halls.
Make sure and get registered soon, you only hav
e 4 weeks left before we all come together for @APIStrat in Chicago.